Hughes has extensive experience working with Federal, State, and Local government agencies throughout the country. Hughes has performed work in a wide-range of government facilities, ranging from courthouses, jails and prisons, military bases, to government run hospitals and veteran’s homes. Hughes also has a network of Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses, Minority and Woman Owned Small Businesses to partner with on federal and state projects.
By contracting with Hughes, you will experience:
Ease of Procurement with Hughes' experienced compliance team that understands the government buying process
Approved service offering and pricing
Easy to find on GSA Advantage®
Experienced and trained technicians
Hughes has past experience working in many Government Facilities including:
VA Hospitals
VA Clinics
Military Bases
Military Housing
Federal Office Buildings
Federal, State, and Local Jails and Prisons
Hughes' has past experience working in many Government Facilities including: